One Way Or Another





One Way Or Another (OWOA) Limited has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and is committed to preventing acts of slavery and human trafficking from occurring within both its business and supply chain, and imposes the same high standards on its contractors, suppliers and other business partners.


One Way Or Another Ltd is a Business Management Consultancy offers business solutions and consultancy and also transitions Ex-Forces people into civilian careers, with our industry partners, clients and companies.

One Way Or Another Ltd is currently only operating in the UK, should we expand into other areas we will ensure that our zero-tolerance policy approach to modern slavery is maintained.



  • Operate strict procurement processes, ensuring suppliers, contractors and clients comply with all applicable laws and standards, including those which relate to the Modern Slavery Act;

  • Expect our suppliers to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking polices in place within their own businesses and to cascade those policies to their own suppliers;

  • Undertake a continuous review of assurance information and existing suppliers, consultants and clients;

  •   Provide regular training in respect of the Modern Slavery Act to our consultants;

  •   Include appropriate terms in our contractual documentation, obliging suppliers, contractors and clients to comply with Modern Slavery Act and reserving the right for One Way Or Another Limited to audit suppliers and contractors, where we consider it appropriate;

  • Made it a contractual requirement for suppliers to report to OWOA if they are aware or suspect slavery or human trafficking in a supply chain connected to any OWOA contracts;

  •   Encourage staff to identify and report any potential breeches of OWOA anti-slavery policy statement.

The above procedures are designed to:

  • Identify and assess potential risk areas in our business.

  •   Reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business.

  •   Monitor potential risk areas in our business.

  •   Provide adequate protection for whistle blowers.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes One Way Or Another Limited’s slavery and human rights trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 July 2019.

One Way Or Another Limited

Date: 31 July 2018


One Way Or Another Limited.

Modern Slavery Act 2015